For buying BERGRETTUNG Riesling or other wines from the klitzekleiner ring’s membering estates, please get in touch with us via or +49 / (0) 6542 / 24 22. We will figure out individually what will match your needs, and the best way to ship to you as well.

For dedicated followers, here’s our t-shirt offer:



BERGRETTUNG artwork on the front side, the klitzekleiner-ring-logo on the back. High quality, 100 % organic cotton (Fairtrade), various versions:

Ladies, yellow with blue typo, scalloped cut, sizes S, M und L
Gents, blue with yellow typo, straight cut, sizes S, M, L und XL
Kids, both colour versions (please specify), straight cut, size 140

EUR 25 / pc. plus shipping (individual offer)